Sunday, July 1, 2007

Mmmm... Philosphical...

Got a lovely, unintentionally back-handed, but starkly accurate, comment the other day. Someone (I don't need to tell you it was Kimota94) labeled me an "infrequent blogger". I cannot disagree - the facts speak for themselves. The facts being that after an initial flurry of posts, I haven't really done much posting. It's true and I find it sad. So I have to start somewhere and I'm going to start here to change this trend.

One of the reasons I wanted to start a blog at all was to share my thoughts and to keep up with the ole writing habit. Back in the day, (grade 7), we were given writing assignments and I thoroughly enjoyed them. I added my own material because I wasn't done by the time I finished and so I still feel. Except now I'm not really given any assignments and the result is that I end up ranting to various people at various times on various subjects. Not always the best thing. Plus writing has its own satisfactions. My poor penmanship meant that I was encouraged to learn how to type when I was pretty young. The act of writing at the keyboard has been the one that I remember and so this whole online experience fits with that pleasant activity.

I really felt like "infrequent" was mocking me. It's not like I have little to say. I'm seriously, does anyone think that? Really? Haven't really read anything I've written or engaged in verbal sparing, er, conversation with me then, huh. So I am going to make a new effort - bring back some more discipline into my life, and have at this blogging thing. Regularity, habit, habigularity (?) will spur me to greater heights. Or more posts. Something anyway.

1 comment:

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

No mocking intended by the "infrequent" label. Just a friendly nudge, and an observation!