Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nicer than expected

That certainly turned into a much nicer day than the morning suggested.  The sun was intense - especially in the car.  After 3pm, the wind died down and I went out without a jacket.  One of my neighbours went for a walk with his shorts on, but apparently he wears shorts during the winter too so he isn't a really good gauge.  I did manage to get to major chores done, which I'm pretty happy about.  Got all the Christmas lights down, which I didn't expect because of the powerful, gusty wind and rain Friday and Saturday.  A few weeks back it was really nice and calm - good for being up on a ladder - but the ground was too soft.  This turned out to be a good day for it and I managed to get it done.  Taking them down definitely takes less time than going up.  The other chore was finally cleaning that reusable furnace filter.  Did it every need attention!  I pulled it out during the week because it was feeling stuffy in the house.  I was pretty surprised at the fine dust that fell off when I did that.  The filter itself is pretty coarse so fine dust is counter-intuitive.  Anyway, got those major things done and that makes this a good weekend for house-chores.

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