Monday, April 20, 2009

Short and...?

Not gonna spend much time tonight writing, but I should get something down.  I've been watching the Calgary-Chicago game and it is good.  Western conference teams are just so durn fast - fun to watch.  End of the second and Calgary is ahead - let's hope they can continue with the lead through the third.  I've got to get to bed relatively soon as I have to be in to work early tomorrow - before 8am.  I have been invited to a meeting with some of the more senior leaders.  Don't worry - I'm nothing special.  They've been having these meetings every week (maybe) and inviting all employees to this.  Gives a chance to talk to people in charge more directly than normal.  I've been trying to figure out what I should ask I think I know - I'm curious about the plans to bring in new tools.  I feel we should have more process defined, and maybe more clear statements from the top as to where things are headed.  We'll see what will be said about that.

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