Monday, January 15, 2007

Agile thoughts

Went through the day and had a few ideas about Agile. Nothing big or revolutionary - more like coalesced observations. The first was that our company is moving into another phase with Agile, the phase were we realize that we aren't communicating very well. With each other, up, down sideways and so on.

This comes from conversations I've had with various people and within our Software Craftsmanship group. The most pressing issues seem to arise from lack of communication, particularly from the feature teams back "up". That is "up" to the Product Owner, to the customer or whoever. One of the reasons for the move to Agile methodologies was to allow the people doing the work (the feature teams) more say. That meant more control and more responsibility. I think that the teams are working together well - there seems to be a lot of work happening and everyone cooperating. What the teams need to do, now that they seem to have an idea of themselves, is to communicate as an entity. Ask questions, get clarification and so on.

I think that's all I can wrap my head around tonight... I know there were some other things swimming around there, but nothing with the clarity of those observations. Tomorrow is another day - I'm sure it will reveal new things.

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