Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What? Me no post? Uh oh!

I feel like I'm missing out on something... I can't put my finger... Oh yah! I haven't been posting to this here blog thang here! Right! Must get on that, right away! Few reasons for that - mainly that I'm tired and don't wanna. Also that there was a friend of my family who passed away last Friday and the associated happenings were yesterday and today. I wanted to write a bit about that, but I'm having trouble coming up with the right things to say.

Plus today I have a distinct memory of saying "you know I'm gonna have to write a blog entry about that" but I didn't send myself a message about it so I forgot. Plus I'm tired. I repeat my self when I'm tired. tired. tired.

On more up-beat news, we had a good game today playing hockey. I scored a goal (point shot that barely beat the skate) and made a sweet, sweet pass across the crease on a 2-on-1. Seems like I am adjusting to my stick quite nicely.

Managed to write some code today, although it is Perl and won't be shipped anywhere. Need it to transform some data into a more usable form. Such is my coding lot as of late. I complain (it is my main hobby - complaint. Ask people I play CS:S about it.) but it doesn't really bother me too much. There are many things required to make a company succeed and everyone can't be simply coding all the time. Seems like there is always a need for someone with coding skills to be doing non-coding work. Things that require the same analysis (debugging and bug fixing) or even certain kinds of testing or what have you.

Anyway I'm sure I'll figure out what it was I wanted to write about today tomorrow and 2 days from now it will be great... so tired... The young-stars competition was on tonight and it was pretty fun. I wanted to watch the skills competition, but didn't do a good job of it. Even with the repeats in different timezones I seem to be missing everything. So I'm going to go see what is happening, possibly on the CBC in BC, and try not to pass out in any awkward positions.

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