Sunday, January 28, 2007

What's the frequency Kenneth?

I just wish my old friend Kenny D read my post, so that line would be more relevant to me. Anyway, it's nice to be back from a weekend away from the ole computation box (the little green men that live inside the black legos are starting to revolt and causing quite the mess o' trouble) and see this post from Tammy. I thought that maybe I'd be able to keep a good output going on the blogging front (it's not the Western front or anything - hopefully no Siberian quagmire lurking ahead), but was mildly disheartened by Kimota94's prodigious output. His talk of 400 posts wasn't a big deal until I realized how long he had been putting them up there! Sheesh!

But Tammy has found a metric that made me feel a whole bunch better. Plus I didn't worry about those days when I couldn't put finger to keyboard for lack of sleep. Posts per day is a pretty good metric, but I postulated that I may win words/day. But enough ego-stroking!

I haven't been able to keep up a good pace for the last little while as the everyone seems to be a bit under the weather here, especially my wife. She's got the flu - the real, respiratory-related flu, with the fever and the tight throat and so on and so forth. Worked out okay yesterday as I was able to get the boys out of the house for some previously-scheduled appointments and provide an additional sleep window. That and the food preparation and so on. Even got the kitchen cleaned up today! Couldn't have done that without a little spousal convolescence!

Got my oldest out to the rink for the family skate too. That was fun. Seriously - it was fun! He went skating with his class on Friday and did very well, so we went out today so he could show me how he was doing. He was doing good! Before he wouldn't skate without holding on to the wall or someone, but today he spent the majority of the time away from the boards and moving on his own. Even tried to glide a little. This is good progress for him as he doesn't like doing things he can't do. Which makes it sound like it would be hard for him to learn new things, which is what I meant. Really what it means is he doesn't like to be told what to do and he doesn't feel comfortable unless he knows what he is doing. So it is a steady process and it continues.

The computer thing is getting annoying. The computer likes to lock up and the registry has lost its mind more than once. I keep meaning to get on it, but I'm not sure where to start. That's not true - the real reason is I don't want to start the investigation because I won't stop until I figure it out. And I estimate it is probably a 1 or 2 day job, so I keep putting it off. I'm hoping it will be something like a redo of the CPU heatsink. If not, I'm not sure where to go as I don't have the cash to perform an upgrade. I still have my trust p3 so there is a fall-back strategy. Really who needs more than a p3 to smurf the weeb. Well, probably something a little more robust is needed with all the Flash and such, but whatever.

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