Saturday, March 7, 2009

Moore Day

Pretty slow day today - nice to relax and read for most of the day.  After my disappointing Watchmen attempt, I decided to start reading "V for Vendetta" today.  I'm about 220 pages in and it's pretty darn good.  I'm enjoying it highly.  Also watched the latest Futurama movie - the last in the series of 4 - The Wild Green Yonder.  First impressions are that it's definitely better than the 2nd and 3rd movies, and possibly the best in the series.  Can't really make that call until I watch it more carefully - I was busy doing chores while it played.  Also watch Madagascar 2 - and I approve highly of that.  Really good - love the penguins.  Anyhoo, that's about it for tonight - I'm bushed.  I'll have to make sure I get things done on the ole compu-trolla tomorrow.

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