Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week end approacheth

The end of the week is rapidly approaching.  "Rapid" is more a perspective thing, but whatever - I think it's headed this way quick - so there!  It's not moving at breakneck speed yet, but whatever.  I did read on Slashdot that Mythbusters is trying to test the phrase "knocked his socks off" by using a dummy, socks and 500 lbs of ammonium nitrate.  Let's say the townspeople didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition, er, window-shattering kaboom.  No word on the state of the socks, but maybe they'll do "breakneck speed" next.

Got pulled into a call with lots of far-flung people at work today.  I think the call was pretty productive, considering the diverse group - offices from all over North America, representing parts of the product with potential conflicting requirements.  I felt like I was able to productively contribute a few times - clarifying instead of fogging issues.  It's nice to leave a meeting and have the feeling that everyone shares the same perspective on things.  Never lasts long, but it's nice and it is productive.  I'm optimistic about the upcoming project this meeting was related too - the different parts of the company will be united with a common set of tools and, hopefully, common procedures for using those tools.  Breaking the isolation of each part of the final product will lead to a better result and I think everyone believes that.  Well, the people at the higher levels do and that's good enough for now.

After I got home I took my son over to his friend's house to play after dinner.  He's visited this friend more frequently since the boy's father passed away.  I really can't imagine how they are doing, but they seem okay at this point.  I have a feeling they'll be playing together more often.  Plus they had a good time - pointless running followed by Super Smash Brothers Brawl - very nice.

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