Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday? Day Off??

Feels weird tonight - taking a Friday off work makes it seem like Saturday, so tomorrow will be some wonderful end to the weekend, with another day off coming!   Went into a Futureshop and a Best Buy, dangerous propositions for me, but I'm approaching my birthday so I decided I could splurge a bit.  And by splurge I mean by some DVDs!  I tried to get bundles to increase my number of DVDs-per-dollar.  I bought a box of Bruce Lee movies for $15, a set I've wanted for awhile called "Zatoichi" - The Blind Swordsman.  That was 4 movies for $35.  Picked up "Shuan of the Dead" for $7.  The only non-deal was "The Dark Knight", but it's worth it.  I really liked the Dark Knight and I thought it followed "Batman Begins" well - consistent and better.

One other reason for heading to these places was to pick more rechargeable batteries.  I invested in some nice Panasonic NiMH a few years back, but don't have too many because they are pretty expensive.  I bought some Energizer rechargeable for my eldest son for some of his toys and things.  He got a new RC car for Christmas, but it needs 4 AAs.  I simply couldn't find more Energizer AAs - lots of AAAs and AAs in a kit with a charger, but what for?  Ah well - I guess I have to check again another time.  He really can't use the car inside so no rush to get that going yet.

I just watched the second episode of "Dollhouse" and I was going to write about my thoughts here, but I think it makes more sense to create a separate post for it.  When I described my ideas to my wife, she wondered who would be put to sleep by my ramblings.  I replied that I since I'm so good at that, I should figure out how to profit from this amazing ability.  So please let me know how I can turn rambling, Abe Simpson-like rants that remove the ability for the listener to focus into a money-making business.

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