Saturday, February 28, 2009

Lots of swimming - just not me.

Saturday is the day the kids go swimming and today was an important day in the lesson cycle - report day.  My older son passed the current level after one go - something he hasn't done before.  He went through several lesson cycles pretty much acclimatizing to the whole "water" thing.  I was worried at first, until I was informed how much time I spent at the early badge levels.  Now he seems to be picking up on some of the important pieces and so is making more rapid progress.

Talking with my older son today before his lesson, I found out he went swimming on Friday with his class from school.  I forgot about it, but I thought it was an excellent idea to give a few lessons to all children of a certain age.  Some quick exposure and a few basic concepts should do wonders to help kids that run into water-related troubles.  There always seemed to be a clear division between swimmers and non-swimmers when I was a kid, largely economic.  Some families had pools, so those kids swam.  Some families thought it was important that children swim (like my parents) so they had lessons.

What made today be "lots of swimming" rather than a "Saturday amount" of swimming was the party my oldest son attended in the afternoon.  Turns out a pool in Ingersoll (the Victoria  Community Centre) has the facilities and staff to run events in and around the pool.  The kids had an hour in the pool and then adjourned to a room for pizza and cake.  It certainly looked like a good time.

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